Sunday 10 July 2011

Education systems in New Zealand and China

Do you know anything about the differences between the Chinese & Kiwi education systems? Educations in New Zealand and China are totally different. Students in China are much more stressful than ones in New Zealand. Both systems include kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary education.

The main difference of education in these two countries is the materials used for teaching and learning. In China teachers require students to learn from text books, all level students have to buy text books and related work books. There are two text books each year for a subject - semester 1 & 2 per year. While in New Zealand, no text books at all for students, even for high school students, they don’t need to buy any books, unless they want to buy.

The second different point of education is the expectation for student future. In China many teachers and parents want their students/children to enter into famous universities and brilliant careers. Students seldom have their own choices for their studies and careers. They can apply to a number of universities but they are only accepted if they pass their exams, so it’s very competitive to enter a famous university. Whereas in New Zealand, students have lots of freedom to select their subjects, universities and careers, but their choices are dependent upon their exam results.  They can apply several universities, and enrol in one of them if their exam results are acceptable by the university, Teachers and parents only give them suggestions. It’s up to students themselves who make decisions.

The third difference of education is the method of teaching. In China students should understand and remember all the key points of text books, they learn knowledge from books. While in New Zealand teachers encourage students find the truth and facts themselves. Students can ask questions and solve them independently.

The final difference of education is the exams. In China there are lots of tests and exams in schools, even in primary schools, students are ranked by their exam results. In New Zealand, most public primary and middle schools have much fewer tests and exams than in China, only high schools have tests and exams for students, but it isn’t as nearly stressful as it is in China.

That’s why more and more students come to New Zealand for their high school or university studies. Both systems have advantages and disadvantages, because of different culture.               

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